B-sides to Health: Positive feedback
This week on The DR & the DJ podcast, we feature B-sides to Health, with Dr. Amy Lindsey.
Today I'm offering positive feedback, as we all could use some. I often think about how the laws of physics apply to our health & habits. The laws of inertia & momentum work together. Inertia is an unchanged state. Could be still, could be in steady motion. Momentum is what uses force to change the state. In other words, we use some momentum to change our state, & inertia will keep us steadily going... You are the external force to change.
Here's 5 activities that have a positive feedback loop.
1. Sleep
Sleep begets sleep. The more we hone this craft & prioritize it, the more quality sleep we are likely to have, & the easier it becomes to get good, regular sleep.
2. Movement
The more we move our bodies consistently, the more likely we are to be motivated to move. The flip side to this is: the more we stay sedentary, the more sedentary we are. The more we move, the easier it becomes.
3. Rest
The more we find the time & space to rest, the more we will be sure we find the time & space to rest. There are endless studies that show that productivity is proportional to how much we rest. Consider Yerkes Dodson Law. This law states that if we are Stressed & Restless, we are distracted & not productive. If we are bored & tired, we are also not productive. Being in balance of focused & engaged, in between bored/tired & stressed/restless, is the most productive. I think most people are stressed & restless & not resting ENOUGH. Give yourself some grace & permission to take a break.
4. Nourishment
The more we nourish our minds & bodies, the more likely we are to choose nourishment over deprivation & shame. So what am I talking about here? Could be your relationship to food/ nutrition. You could be a victim of diet culture where you think size & shape is synonymous with healthy. Maybe you are in a cycle of diets that deprive you & then you say "fuck it" & "go off" your diet & enter a shame cycle. Or maybe this has something to do with complaining & gossiping or other habits that are the opposite of nourishment & make you feel bad. Choose nourishment.
5. Sex
The more we learn what pleasures us, the more likely we are to seek out pleasuring ourselves. This can be with ourselves or with partner(s). Sometimes it's about getting back in the habit of orgasms. Get a little momentum if you need by working on yourself first before involving the dynamics of a partner.
You are not alone.
The DR& the DJ
*Reminder: Nothing in this podcast is a substitute for medical or professional advice. Please always consult your doctor.
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