Kim Warnick, Legend

This week, John & Amy talk to Seattle rock n roll luminary Kim Warnick. Kim is a founding member, bass player & singer for The Fastbacks & Visqueen. Kim has consistently been a part of the Seattle music scene from the late 70’s to present, opening local shows for Joan Jett & The Ramones & touring globally with Seaweed & Pearl Jam. In this episode she shares her experiences growing up in the early Seattle music scene, the relationship to her own drug & alcohol issues & what finally triggered her to get sober. John, Amy & Kim discuss how the loss of a sibling disconnects them from the past & the ways in which they’ve chosen to move forward from that loss. Kim updates us on The Fastbacks, how Duff Makagen wound up in the band & explains how she keeps her overall positive outlook alive. 

We open the episode with John’s most recent visit to his therapist. He shares why he’s feeling overwhelmed & why his therapist's recommendation was simply to take a nap. Amy explains why maneuvering the fine line of self sabotage & self-care is both tricky & important in our day to day living.

This week's featured music is by  The Black Tones. Theme music by Michael Lerner. Listen to more podcasts at Ruinous Media. 

As always, John & Amy remind us that We’re Not Alone.
The DR & The DJ

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B-SIDES: The Wonderful World of Self-Love


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