Stone Gossard & Regan Hagar of Loosegroove Records

This week's guests are Brad/Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard & Brad drummer Regan Hagar.  The two founded Loosegroove records in 1994 where they signed up & coming artists & celebrated a multi-genre roster with a slant to Hip Hop & Rock. Today Loosegroove is still lively & diverse with new releases from the long awaited Painted Shield, Duff Mckagan's The Living, Britney Davis, Tiger Cub. In this episode, the four discuss why Loosegroove is not just a record label for Stone & Regan, but a vehicle for two friends to share ideas, bond & do something they truly believe in together. We hear why & how Loosegroove operates the way they do & how it lends to their longevity.  Stone & Regan give us some insight into Brad's writing process & we learn why working with Shawn Smith has left a lasting impression on them.  

John & Amy open the episode with a discussion on disruption. Why are we subconsciously committed to homogeneity in our personal & group behavior? Amy explains why having a novel approach typically fuels empathy & why it is so important to rethink how we do things both socially & in our professional lives.

Theme music by Michael Lerner. Listen to more podcasts at Ruinous Media. Check out all the Loosegroove artists here at Loosegroove. This episode’s featured music is by Tiger Cub.

As always, John & Amy remind us that We're Not Alone.
The DR & the DJ 

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Learn more about Loosegroove records


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