Season 3: Fighter or Flighter

This week on The DR & The DJ, Amy and John discuss what Amy calls the “language of the nervous system.” So many of us know about love language, but do we know the language of the nervous system? Getting to know yours and the people you are in a relationship with (partner, lover, spouse, children, boss, coworkers, clients, etc) will help you in one of the most important and impactful ways.

Access to getting what you need is through understanding the language of your nervous system.

Amy & John get real about their need for a break. From their domestic lives and even from each other. They discuss the phenomenon of couples “scorekeeping” which builds resentment, vs how to have a healthy balance of each person doing what they love.

What happens when you run away from grief and learn, there is no escape from facing it?  How do you resolve conflict when your nervous system demands you have to run away from it?  

You can watch LIVE on YouTube

You can watch LIVE at The DR & THE DJ Instagram.

John, Amy and the whole DR & DJ Team

*Reminder: Nothing in this podcast is a substitute for medical or professional advice. Please always consult your doctor.

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Season 3: Medical Tattoo Artist Latoya Denique


Season 3 Premiere: Divorceable Conversations and New Rules in Midlife